Category: News
5 Thay Đổi Lối Sống Giúp Ngăn Ngừa Sa Sút Trí Tuệ (Dementia) Khi nhắc tới chứng “sa sút trí tuệ” – Dementia, chúng ta thường liên hệ đến chứng “mất kiểm soát”. Nhưng trên thực tế, có hơn 40% trường hợp sa sút trí tuệ có thể được ngăn ngừa hoặc trì hoãn nếu chúng ta thay đổi một số thói quen đơn giản hàng ngày. Gần nửa triệu người Úc đang…
How does a Home Care Package Work?
What is a Home Care Package? A Home Care Package is a government-funded program that allows older Australians to receive care services in their own home, so they can live independently for as long as possible. It can be used to access all kinds of services, such as: Personal care (e.g. help with showering, dressing and continence) Help with domestic chores Transport Help with shopping Medication management Nursing services (e.g. wound care) Home modifications Mobility equipment (e.g. walking frames, mobility scooters) Exercise programs and social outings Therapies (e.g. physiotherapy, occupational therapy) Help with cooking meals There are four levels of…
20 self-care tips during COVID-19 if you have a disability
Social distancing at home can be tough if you are living with a disability. But whatever your situation, there are plenty of things you can do to help you stay healthy, happy and connected. Here’s 20 ideas to get you started. 1. Stay in touch with your doctors. Your health is important, so it’s important to keep your regular appointments and get help if you need it. If you are unable to go in person, call your doctor. Most GPs offer telehealth services, so you can receive care through phone or video conferencing. 2. Talk to your someone if you’re…